Inkscape how to remove part of a path


I know this is simple but I’m stuck. I’m trying to create an outline comprised of an eclipse and a circle to cut around an earring. I need to remove the small area where to two intersect at the borrow of the circle where the finding is attached. Otherwise it will cut it as two separate operations and the circle and the eclipse won’t be attached. Any help appreciated.

Open in Inkscape
Select everything
Use the combine command (now it’s all one object)
Now click on the paths tool so you can see the nodes
Select the nodes on either side of where you want the break
Click the button that shows it deleting the line between two nodes

(you may need to move the nodes slightly in order to get the exact shape you’re looking for)

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So, I’ll clean this up a tiny bit:

Ensure your shapes are overlapping by some amount.
Select everything
Use the union command to merge the two shapes. Path->union

You should be pretty much done. If the shapes overlapped they’ll merge into one shape. no further cleanup is needed.

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There are many ways, but for me, the fastest is to use Union to combines the shapes. One operation, done.

Edit… like evansd said.

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On the image above they don’t touch so…

Hence me adding this:

Ensure your shapes are overlapping by some amount.

If they’re a circle and an ellipse you’ll need “convert to path” first, I think. But most import here, imo, is that “undo” is your friend. Try doing the union thing, if it doesn’t work, undo, increase/decrease the overlap and do it again…


No, you don’t.

Boolean operations in Inkscape are specifically designed to work with objects, despite being under the Path menu.

It’s like object operations still working on paths (i.e. grouping).

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Right - but they didn’t ask how to change their image they asked how to do what they want to do with the image they already have. Absolutely it would be easier if their shapes overlapped, but they don’t so why give instructions that won’t work?

You’d think that, but union is weird as far as booleans and objects go and converts them to paths first. It’s good policy to convert your stuff to paths before running booleans though, so you’re right, I would too.

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I was answering the question that I think they needed to be asking, not the way it was written. If you’ve ever made an earring (and I suspect you have) then you know what I am talking about.

They want to make an earring, you can’t remove nodes from paths that don’t overlap to some degree. Your method merely makes them one path object, it’s not really useful.

We didn’t get into actually making a hole in the upper circle which is probably the next question. (hint, place a small circle inside the upper circle and do path->difference, or if you are feeling particularly clever, use stroke to do it with stroke to path, but here I go again, trying to be helpful when I should apparently stick to the question at hand.)

I get annoyed when people reply to what I consider closed topics, too… but in this case, you may have answered the question as written but didn’t really answer the spirit of what is being attempted, so I thought my reply could help.


I want to thank everyone who responded. The select all and the union gave me the result I was looking for.


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