Interesting comparison

This is a file that I engrave on some of my pens using a 1000 mw Chinese laser.


So I put a Home Depot freebie floor sample in Glowriosky and imported the same file. The GFUI set the image size to the floor sample size (5" W X 3.5" H) automatically. The thickness is .392". I set the Speed to 1000 and Full Power.


It took 9 min 20 sec to print on the GF. It takes about 20 minutes to print on the 1000 mw laser.

Can’t wait to get a rotary adapter for my GF


Seems like you could rig a support jig to hold it level in machine.
Once the height is established, doing that one line at a time and manually rotating it would work.
Time consuming but workable.

Do this on a full board and you can display your support for the right to bare floors.


For the last 2 years I have been getting free floor sample from Home depot. I have about 30 or 40 samples.

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The hardwood plywood pieces work the best, from my experience.