Introducing Glowforge Premium, Creative tools, and a new look for the toolbar: 4/2/2020 Latest improvements

my bad, I hadnt been in the app in a bit so i didnt know about the new coordinate system, which they just put in, so will have to play around with it to see if itll fix the lack of proper camera alignment,

WELL, shop, may I call you shop? ok shop, here is the thing WE DIDNT KNOW WHAT THE GLOWFORGE WAS GOING TO COME WITH, I preordered and waited for almost 3 years for delivery and the things that were promised as features, abilities, software, etc were all in limbo but “promised” when at maker faire and other conventions, watching demos and talking with various reps including Dan. Soooooo i dont think it was vary “audacious” to believe their hype, maybe naive, yes but when you plunked down 2k, see it go from your bank account for the better part of almost 3 years and possibly never getting a unit (im still waiting on the ono resin printer which is a complete scam) thankfully glowforge wasnt a scam, but the stuff they used to promise us at demos, online, etc was pretty much a lot of cool stuff that hasnt been seen or heard from (like the compact filter that glowforge said they would have for instance) and then to see some features come out but behind a paywall, its pretty irksome. Also as I mention there are other laser companies eating glowforges lunch in the way of price and features as default, so why would I direct anyone to buy a glowforge these days when there is more offered elsewhere for cheaper and easier to use. for a $100 referral for the store? Ha! i get materials cheaper online elsewhere same quality. If my glowforge ever breaks or is too costly to repair, im jumping ship to another brand.

i use inkscape and illustrator as well as silhouette studio. but would be nice if glowforge wouldnt put behind a paywall useful features for quick and dirty editing when you need to change something minor after a test, etc.

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