ISO: Anyone selling air filter?

Hello! I am considering purchasing an air filter but wanted to see if anyone is trying to sell theirs, if they no longer have a use for it. Thanks in advance!


Welcome to the community!
I imagine you can find someone who will sell theirs. Understand that the filter element is a consumable and the replacement is around $200.
The filter’s service life depends on what material you use. The draftboard will fill it up quickly, but any material will eventually face-load the filter and restrict airflow requiring replacement.
That’s why most choose to vent outside where it is possible.

hey there! where are you located?

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I am selling my air filter I am located in Utah

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Thanks @PrintToLaser, that’s an excellent point. I vent outside currently, but would love to have it in a different location where there is not a window.

@simplygage & @wesleybilbrey50 I am located in Minnesota. To the point above, has your filter been exhausted already?

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