Issue with Print Area

Not sure what is going on – the printable area is outside the scope of the material I am trying to engrave. See attached that shows artwork that is within the borders of the material. The printable area is much more narrow (left/right) but exceeds the borders of the material on the top/bottom.

I have tried the camera recalibration – it said it was successful. Yet, no luck when attempting a new project.

What am I missing? Please, and thank you.

You likely have too high of a speed set - what are your settings?


Let me clarify a bit… When the laser has to change direction, it needs some space to slow down. The higher the speed, the more space it needs. This “braking area” gets calculated and removed from your available work space.
So if you have the head moving too fast, you have to work in a smaller area.
(Also, you could try to rotate the artwork 90 degrees. It looks like it’ll fit.)


Oh em gee…what a dummy I am. So sorry to have wasted your time, but I truly appreciate your response. That was EXACTLY my problem! :crazy_face:


Thank you! Thank you for the clarification! :smiley:

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Welcome to the forum.

I believe you have received a good answer about the print area. In the future you should know that the lid camera has nothing at all to do with the machine’s performance, and conducting mulitple lid camera alignments is not necessary.


Thanks, dklgood! I will try to remember that in the future. :smiley:

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Not at all. It is not intuitively obvious. You need to have something of a technical background and a bit of deep thought to figure it out in the absence of knowledge sharing from someone who knows. It’s only obvious when you know.


Thank you, James! I am definitely more artsy less technical. :smiley:


Also happy cake day :slight_smile: May your next years on the forum be even better than your first!

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You’re no dummy and you’re not wasting anyone’s time. Someone else might benefit from this question, and my response took mere seconds. I’m glad that was the answer.

Does not being able to drive a race car the first day you get behind the wheel of any car at all make you a dummy? I think not…


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