JPP Faux Leather Golf Tags- HELP

Has anyone had luck with these faux leather tags? The fabric piece on the back that holds in the golf tees makes it impossible to lie flat. I need to make 150 of these quickly but the heights aren’t consistent. Suggestions?

My first thought is to make a jig. Get a board and cut a section out of it - tall enough for those back pieces to set into and as wide as I could so that I could fit as many of these tags, side by side. Looks like you would also have to cut out a section for the top strap, as well.


Thank you. I took off the straps and made a cardboard jig. Problem is the piece itself won’t lay flat because of the material in back that holds the tees in.

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Is it because the material is pulling at the piece, making it bend or bow? Have you tried holding it flat to your jig, with double sided tape? I’m not sure of the size or shape of your cardboard jig, but maybe a wooden one would hold it flat…with the tape.

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Make a jig that has the 3.81" circle outlined and a rectangular hole cut inside the circular outline that allows the tee holder loops to drop down so that the item is not resting on the tee holder loops. Something as simple as this. You remove the honeycomb tray and elevate the jig to within the focus range.


Thanks. That’s a great idea!

A picture is worth a thousand words. :grinning: :grinning:


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