Just a thought about reality vs expectations

If this is your primary use case then I expect you will love it. Based on your description of your day job I would think you come into the process with a realistic expectation of design time and fabrication issues in general, so the glowforge should be a wonderful experience.


This is a struggle for me, but I couldn’t help it either!


I TOTALLY agree! And anyone that has seen it in person has said the same thing…they just kind of stare at it and grin.

I just…I can’t add to this. So well put!

My expectations were managed pretty well by reading and interacting with this community for many months now. I knew some of the shortcomings that others had found. That said, the reality so far of alignment being slightly off at times is still tough for me. One of the major ways I planned to used this was to add to already finished wood pieces I’ve made. If I go to add some engraving and it is off a little, the piece is ruined. I can’t just put more proofgrade in there and redo it. I’m sure I will learn more of how to manipulate it as I have it longer and experiment more with it, but that is just what pops to my mind right now.


I didn’t have a laser cutter before. I have one now. I haven’t bumped up against any of the limitations in a meaningful way: all I wanted was to be able to cut thin pieces of acrylic and wood for hobby projects, and it totally does that and plenty more. Could I have done the same with a K40? Maybe, but it was worth it to me to pay for something to work out of the box so that I can choose my “getting it to work” time on my projects and not the tools. Honestly, the #1 and only significant issue I have with my Glowforge is that I can’t seem to vent it properly. This limits my usage as spending an evening in a smoke-filled room makes me feel bad for a couple of days afterward. I’m hoping with a bit more fussing, I can get it to the point where I don’t hesitate to just cut something out when I want it.


I had to fuss with sealing the exhaust run, but finally nailed it. I grin now when I see heavy smoke inside the machine but can’t smell a thing.