Just got my glowforge on monday and now its not working, please help!

I suspect that maybe the mirror acrylic bounced the beam around and back up into your camera (possibly etching it or hurting the CCD in the camera) and lid. I would suggest not using “mirror” anything in a glowforge. Also, don’t ever use it with the tray out unless the material is thick enough to not burn through. If the beam hits the bare metal on the bottom it can bounce back up and harm your unit. Another thing it could be: Mirror coatings are applied to plastics as an atomized spray (I was an Optician, so I have seen it done). The laser may have vaporized this coating and coated your lens (probably all of them), making the light reaching it bounce around and make an unclear image or making it not track like it’s supposed to because of the coating. Something may take it off, but don’t try it until you have talked to glowforge about it.

Haven’t seen that anyone has suggested this… if the head is hunting around, it’s having trouble locating the head to center it. It takes a picture, identifies the head location, moves it, and so on.

Remove the material from the crumbtray and make sure you don’t have any excessive light coming in. The mirrored acrylic may be causing an issue with the detection algorithm.

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I had someone else who is a bit more knowledge of electronics/ a little on lasers and she said that the coating of the lid camera might have been burned off. It has an iridescent look to it.

I see you already emailed us about this and I’ve sent you some next steps there, so I’m going to close this topic.

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