Keep getting Air Assist error

I can’t run a print due to the Air Assist Fan error. I’ve cleaned the air assist fan three times in the last week, as well as the printer head fan. They both are clean and spin easily. I’ve wiped cleaned the four little gold prongs and reseated the printer head. I’m not sure what else to try at this point. I haven’t yet cleaned the exhaust fan. I don;t know if that would cause this issue. But I’ve already ordered the 3M degreaser and will give that a shot when it arrives. Any advice would be very welcome. Thanks!

Any magnets in use holding things down?


No I never use magnets


Have you also contacted support? Maybe they can see something in the logs.

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Yes, I’ve also submitted a request to Support

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Ahh good. I hope you let us all know how things turn out.

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I will. Thanks!!

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You said you cleaned the fan, but have you cleaned the duct? There’s a duct under there that (at least) I never realized was there, and it was clogged with gunk…


Came here to say the same as @linefeed. The metal chute under the air assist can be 99% blocked, but the fan still spins freely. Stick a qtip or pipe cleaner through the fan blades and out the chute and let us know!


Yes, I had removed the duct and cleaned it. Used Simple Green, a toothbrush and a qtip to clean the fan.

Good luck with help from support. I will never recommend a Glowforge to anyone looking to start out with a Laser. 3 weeks is what I have been dealing with the same issue and of course you can call them but only once then all communications is through email. They attempt to trouble shoot through email. what a joke. My machine has been down three weeks and they can read from their script really good, but in the end to me it does not matter. I can tell you what to look for on your problem if your still having it. Oh and don’t expect the clearest of communications with them.

There are a total of three fans to clean, but if you clean them and the error still comes up the will tell you its the print head. How they know this I do not know. The fan under the print head on mine was not spinning but they insisted I need new print head which cost over $600. I cleaned every fan and have kept them clean since I purchased yet they insist its print head even when print head fan is spinning. Their customer service is horrible. If anyone wants to buy a well taken care of glowforge and deal with Glowforge on what the problem is I will sell mine $2,000

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