Laser Tube Replacement in Canada

How do I go about getting a laser tube replacement these days? In Canada?

I tried emailing support and never got a reply back (in fact I posted here back in 2021 and support said they’d get back to me by email and then never did). How long does support usually take to reply?


Support doesn’t monitor the forum. You have to call them.


They don’t do tube replacements. They will sell you a refurbished machine in exchange for yours.


Emails to go directly to the Customer Care team. You should receive an automated response confirming your ticket was received and it will include your ticket number. There may be added delays due to the holidays, but they can be contacted by phone at + 1 (855) 338- 2122 for live support.

To find a fast resolution, have the serial number and the following information accessible for review:

  • Let us know what happened and what you expected to happen
  • If you saw an error message or your machine behaved in a way that’s unexpected, describe what you saw
  • If there is something unusual on screen, like an error, send us a screenshot or email us a photo of it
  • If there’s something unusual on your machine, send us a photo or a video of it

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