Late to the party - YAPB

KMS Tool has it in 4 oz size. Checking to see whether you have KMS on the Island.

Edit: Yep you do in Victoria. They should have 28ml. size too.

As i understand acetone is what is normally used to thin ca glue.

Edit: nvm i had my wireds crossed. acetone is for removing ca glue.

thanks, good to know!

Edit - from the 'net so of course this MUST be true…
Krazy glue is a Cyanoacrylate based glue , AKA super glue . You can 't thin this glue with acetone since it breaks the polymer chains. You can heat the glue bottle in hot water ( do not mix with water as the water will act as a catalyst), to make the glue flow better.

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I can hardly picture anything being less viscous than Super Thin products.

Excellent, thanks. I live fairly close to that place too.

If you are a “Tool Guy” that place is freakin’ dangerous. My credit card is routinely assauted there.

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Haha. I never use my credit card except for on line purchases. I do go there occasionally but haven’t needed anything for months now.

That is a great idea. Just toss the card when finished. I would like to try some method of application like spray, but I have a pretty good idea where that will end up. Even my 2 oz bottles are pretty well coated with runs of glue and they are fit for the trash before they are empty. No hope of putting the cap back on after just a few uses. Ever try wiping the nozzle/tip? Bad idea. I just put masking tape over the end of the nozzle and store in a cool place.

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