Leather Patches with Aura

Good morning! I purchased some leather patches from Amazon to engrave with my aura. It engraved fantastically, but, it was very dark and everything looked like it kind of ran together in the image. So, I guess my question is do you think it’s the leather patch or the image? Also if you have any suggestions I will greatly appreciate those as well.

Thanks, Amy


Welcome to the forum.

A picture of your patch would help us assist you. Also, what type of leather did you use and what were the Aura settings that you used?


I used the Thick Natural Leather material already in the Glowforge materials.


*material settings


Can you share a photo of what your engrave looked like? Chances are you would have better results if you used much less power than was suggested for thick leather.

The item pictured does not give an ample description of the material (just the size) and it certainly doesn’t look like thick natural leather. I looked at Amazon, and I think you have leatherette which is not real leather and must be treated differently than leather. Your item is faux leather, and some types of faux leather are not safe to engrave in lasers.