Let's update our owners map- Add your location

Someone made a map years ago and it looks like it needs to be updated. This is a useful tool for finding owners near you.

Just follow the link and add your location.


Okay, I have not moved but I did update myself and jules with fresh icons. :rofl:

I hope this gets traction and a lot of new people add and a lot of old timers update.

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Not really. Google dropped support for this three years ago.

Thank you for stopping by.

Google Maps Engine has been discontinued. We want to thank all our loyal Google Maps Engine customers.


The Google Maps Engine team

Also, I don’t read Mandarin (nice of them to include the English translation)…


Fascinating, no Mandarin in my view - and stopping support doesn’t mean stopping use. So it’s still a good tool currently :slight_smile:

From the same page:

  1. What will happen to my Google Maps Engine data?

All data stored with Google Maps Engine will be systematically deleted from Google servers.

  1. Will there be any way to retrieve my subscription data from Google in the future?

No – all data stored in Google Maps Engine will be permanently and irrevocably deleted.

… but certainly no harm in sharing your location there. Just hate for people to think this is some official map of owners. It’s some owner who wanted to promote their own referral code, on a freebie site that is no longer supported and unlikely to be available for much longer.


In case any one else has to try multiple times to get it to work:

  1. Upper right hand corner click on “View Larger Map” to open
  2. Upper left click Edit
  3. Top center click the teardrop that says “Add Marker”
  4. Identify yourself in some way on the new marker (I’d suggest community username)

Thank you!!

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I appear to already be on there. :slight_smile:


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