Machine smoke

I am getting smoke coming out of the glowforge pro machine while using it. I seen somewhere to clean all the fans. So I did a cleaning. And I’m still getting smoke coming out of the machine. I don’t know what else to do. I don’t know where to go for help.

Welcome to the forum.

Are you using the Glowforge filter? If so, you need a new filter. If not, have you accidentally shut off your exhaust fan. Click the three dots in the interface and make sure that the filter is toggled off if you are venting outside.


is the exhaust fan turning? the air inlet is at the front right of the unit. make sure air is able to enter. it is low near the table top.


What materials have you been cutting? MDF is horribly messy compared to other materials and can really make gunk build up. When you cleaned the fans, did you remove the vent at the back of the machine and clean that, too? (It’s easy to overlook!)

Another thing to check is the vent hose and all of the vent hose connections. There may be a leak somewhere.

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If your exhaust fan is running - which should be obvious because the machine becomes louder than a vacuum cleaner and almost as loud as a shop-vac when it is - then smoke coming from the machine means your vent is not flowing freely. Even a dirty fan can exhaust enough air to “suck” air from the room in from every orafice.

There are very specific guidelines on establishing a clear exhaust vent system. Limited length, no sharp bends, certainly no kinks. If it’s longer than expected, then an external fan can supplement the built-in exhaust fan. I ran my first machine for years with an external fan and 35’ of vent hose with no smoke or odor evident around the machine while printing.

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