Maker Research Study


I’m a graduate student studying art therapy at Notre Dame de Namur University and for my thesis project, I’m conducting research on the maker community and the potential psychological benefits from the maker identity. My study specifically looks at problem solving and resilience. My goal is to more fully understand the maker experience and hopefully open a conversation on broadening the art therapy profession to more fully embrace maker practices and materials in order to serve our clients in more inclusive and creative ways.

I’m looking for research participants who are 18 years or older, identify as a maker, and are willing to complete the survey. The survey takes approximately 30mins to complete and consists of two parts, the first being a multiple-choice survey and the second being a few short answer questions. If you are willing to participate please use the link below to complete the consent form and survey. Thank you for your interest and if you are willing I would appreciate it if you could pass this along to anyone who may be interested in participating in this research.

Survey Link: Maker Research Study Survey

If you have any questions you can contact me here or at

Thank you for your consideration,
Alissa Clynne
(this was posted with permission from Glowforge)


There’s a group on Facebook called “I like to make stuff.” It would be a perfect place for you to post this. :slight_smile:


I would advise you to remove your email address and request a PM instead. The spambots will harvest your email address otherwise.

Good luck with the study.

I shared with a few of my maker friends who don’t spend all their time on this forum :stuck_out_tongue:

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Done, and shared with an Art Therapist friend who says, “I remember how hard it was to get people to fill out a survey when I was doing my Masters’ Thesis, I hope she gets enough answers!”


BTW, not sure if the same questions are served in the same order for everything, but the 1st and 3rd multiple choice question were identical for me…

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Maybe that’s part the experiment to see if you are reading the questions or just randomly marking answers. :smiley:

(I hope I answered them the same. :slight_smile: )


Thank you to everyone who has participated in my study I really appreciate everyone’s support. I’m still looking for a few more responses if anyone is still interested or knows someone who might be interested.
Either way, I truly want to say thank you. The prospect of conducting research and writing a thesis is daunting and the support I received across the maker community was amazing.


Thanks for the reminder. It came at a good time to focus on providing a response. Good luck with your research.

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