Missing power cord, please help

I expected it in the accessories box, nope. I then took everything out of the actual Glowforge itself and there is no power cord. Looked all over the inside of it thinking maybe it slid into a far corner, nothing. While the big box was pretty damaged, the accessories box was just fine so I had no expectations I could be missing anything. Please help. I was so excited to get it into my maker space and just assumed it was way up in there somewhere. I’m ready to start creating… Or not I guess.

you can buy one on Amazon for $7 - no biggie

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How disappointing, but don’t let this derail you. You can use any appliance or old computer cord you might have or pick up a cord at Best Buy or Amazon.


If you have any old computers kicking around you have a cord that will work.


I spent a looooot of money on this and figured it would at least come with all the pieces. And also thought that with all the info on making sure it was the only thing on a circuit that it drew far more power than a standard computer cable can take. Maybe I misunderstood.

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It’s disappointing the cord was missing, but the machine does not require much power so any replacement you might have will work just fine.

Not everyone has a stash of old power cords laying around.

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Email support and they will send you your missing cord. In the meanwhile, you can totally get started with a standard desktop computer power cord.


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