Multiple items

How do I make multiple of the same items at the same time?

Copy, and paste.


I meant to cut more than one once the file is built for one.

Select the item, then Cntl+c (copy) and then Cntl+v (paste).
Paste puts it nearly on top of the item just copied. Once I move it into the position I want for it, when doing multiples, I then select those 2 and paste to get 4, arrange them, and select the 4 to get 8, etc.–faster than doing one at a time!


You copy, then paste, then arrange on your material - as posted above.


You can do the copy and paste in the GFUI (Glowforge User Interface) just as you would in a design program. It won’t multiply operations. It will still indicate the operations based on the color of the objects.


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