My dream: Remote

I can. I’m also not using any particularly flammable materials while I’m on crutches. If I do anything worrisome, I have a stool beside the GF I can sit on to babysit.

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You are thinking about this in the wrong direction. What you need is a remote mouse!

I have a wireless mouse - i take it with me to the GF after setting up the design. Once the material is scanned all I have to do is click on print with the mouse. Wait, then press the big button.

You do need to see the screen of course…

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[Yes Discourse. That is an almost complete sentence abbreviated.]

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Huh. If I can find the right angle for the door of the former closet the GF lives in, that could work. I’ll give it a try!

What an awesome idea! Great last ditch solution before house goes up. Probably not good for the forge though. Spent a lot of money on that halon extinguisher, but if it’s the forge or the house…

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