3 hours later perfecting my one piece layering technique…
Very cool!
That looks really neat!!
Can you elaborate? Always curious about technique.
One run, different settings for each section for a layered look. Takes longer but I like the result
Interesting. How does it compare to vary power?
In theory rasterizing it and then using vary power might yield the same kind of result?
I like the results too, interesting piece. Congratulations @demarcusalexan !
I don´t even want to know how long that engrave took…
3 hrs
Vary power works better for smoother edges and photos. It can work but it’s hard to isolate what needs to be darker/deeper or lighter. This way, I can isolate each section so that I can do a second run if needed without having to reprint the wholepiece or having to isolate that section in Illustrator again.
Were you working in vector?
I export at 600+ dpi and get super crisp edges, and if it’s vector it’s really easy to separate the channels. Might be worth seeing if you can work out a single pass workflow if you end up doing lots of these?
Super crisp and cool!
yes I’m working in vector. Each layer has its own settings in glowforge.
That turned out beautiful. I love looking at your stuff!
Very nice! And that’s a place we have on our “let’s go see it” list, as it’s only 3.5 hrs away. Someday.
That is the classic situation where I would use Gimp. It is very easy to isolate a single or couple shades of gray and put a vector around them or increas/decrease the spread or darknes/lightness of that particular area. For that reason I tend to go for variable engrave, but multiple vector engraves is an interesting idea.
It’s on the way between CT and NC so when we built the new house we stopped once. It’s pretty neat but I wouldn’t do a special 7hr road trip for it. Nice stop if you’re passing by but even though we were making monthly trips we only stopped once. The Natural Bridge Hotel is a historic lodging and a good place for an overnight stay. Interesting history and they have exhibits going back to the original construction. Friendly staff.
Well that’s good to know. Thanks!
Impressive! Nice work !
Wow, it’s a stunning piece!