Need help in a search or a design class recommendation

For years, my wife has been collecting burnt out ceramic bulbs in the hope of “doing something with them” someday.

She has at least 100 of these burnt out bulbs, and then last night, in a dream, it hit me.
Last night I had just printed and constructed the Acrylic Bee that was listed here in another post, when I thought how cool it would be to make these laser insects but with these bulbs as the abdomen (?). I did a preliminary search this morning and I don’t find anyone who has done this.
Has anyone out here seen this done yet, and if so, can you point me to it?

Thanks so much!


huh nope, never seen that idea. Clever concept.

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There are a few here but none seem to be made with a laser.


Go for it! Just because someone else has done it, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t!

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