New shapes in Cuttle

Just wanted to share that we designed a new Creation Panel and added a bunch of new shapes to Cuttle, the web-based laser cutting design tool.

All these new shapes are available in the Free version of Cuttle.


The new Heart shape lets you change its “plumpness”, “pointiness”, and “tilt” — to get the exact style you want.


Some of the new shapes are “recipes” that use the old shapes and modifiers in creative combinations. For example the Award Seal is just a Star with certain parameters pre-set.

award seal

Another example, the Pill is a Rectangle with Round Corners.


There’s a bunch of new Text shapes. Here’s a demo of Text Around Circle:

text around circle medium

You can access all the Emoji shapes from the new Creation Panel too.


For everyone using Cuttle, I hope this new Creation Panel provides you a more delightful and streamlined workflow!

And for those who haven’t tried Cuttle, please give it a shot and let me know what you think :slight_smile:

Everything in Cuttle is designed to work perfectly with Glowforge. Just do File > Export SVG.

(You can even copy and paste directly into GFUI!)


I could have used this just yesterday! Nice :slight_smile:


Cool! :medal_sports:

Let us know if there are other shapes we should add. This architecture makes it pretty easy to keep adding more shapes to our library.


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