Nonlaser things that I think GFers will find interesting

My husband and I were just discussing the cast iron pizza pan I got him about 9 years ago for father’s day and it’s been amazing. We had tried so many different things before this. Nothing else even comes close to working as well and lasting so long.

I love how it retains the heat. We don’t use it on the grill though, just in the oven.


depending on how hot you can get your grill, pizza on a stone on the grill is amazing. i can get my kamado over 750 and on the stone, it cooks pizza quickly. so good.


That’s how I do it, too.


A kamado is ideal for pizza, right behind a real brick oven.

I use older, broken stones as heat deflectors for smoking.

A trick I discovered was to cook the crust lightly by itself, then take out and add toppings to the cooked side. That initial cook prevents the sauce from soaking in, and you end up with a nice crispy crust.

I rarely eat pizza now, but if I do, it’s usually mail-order Lou Malnati’s…


Pretty solid local option:

Chicago Pizza & Sports Grille
(678) 213-0238


I have one of those in my Big Green Egg. I also have their ceramic pizza stone that I put on top of the cast iron. The iron helps store heat and keep it from swinging too wildly when putting a cold (relatively speaking) pie on the super hot stone. Otherwise the pizza pulls heat out faster than the stone can optimally recover.


Wild horses dont get anywhere near the abuse to their feet that a domestic horse does. Even asde from carrying the extra weight the places a wild horse would go are generally far easier on their feet

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Funny you should mention, here’s a hoof restoration where a “coffin bone” (part of the foot I suppose) is broken:

It’s pretty cool how they stabilize the hoof so that the bone can heal. Now if you’ll excuse me youtube has like 500 more hoof restoration videos it’s asking me to watch, I’ll be back in a few days or something.


SOS – Save Our Scraps

Pretty cool if a bit involved. The target trick is sneaky. I can think of ways to optimize this process, I might steal the targets part.

The Happy Birthday song gets a makeover. Big improvement, I think. Way more singable and no more screeching out the high notes.


Much improved! Way better than whatever non-copyrighted stuff they sing at restaurants.

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So I knew cruise ships had gyro stabilizers but had no idea there were consumer versions for smaller boats:

So interesting.

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i always preferred the barbarian happy birthday dirge.


This is my preferred song:


Me, with my very alto voice, would find this a lot easier…AND it’s sounds great in harmony. This is fun and good!

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Hmm, ~300lb wheel at 9750rpm in a low pressure helium chamber. It takes 30 min to spool up. That’s a lot of kinetic energy!

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We always sing the first verse of this, although a few different words (sounds of sadness fill the air, people dying everywhere), to our kids and then a different birthday song. Never knew there were other verses to this tune though. And we didn’t add the grunt because we weren’t taught it that way!

the grunt is the best part!

i only learned that first verse in HS, too. many years later, the miracle of the intertubes taught me the rest.

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