rips the rainbow a new one.
Wondering just what a “new” one would be?
rips the rainbow a new one.
Wondering just what a “new” one would be?
I had no idea it was possible to make LEDs that can emit different colors. I don’t mean RGB LEDs that you tune to make different colors, I mean a single LED.
Sorcery. Well, ok, science. Either way very cool.
It’s been a long road!
Eeeeehhhhh….sure it’s good but sign in/member walled.
Ah sorry, not a hard story to find. Basically after years of industry failure the inventor got handed a lot of money to find formulation that would actually work, and he succeeded.
That darn Medium site. I ran into this a couple months ago where I was researching something (don’t even recall what it was lol) and everything I found was from that site.
Seriously, all of the things that require subscriptions now…lol
I had to do a double take on the photo as the one they have been using has been in the middle of a flat desert pointing straight up. There was also a rendering of one on a treeles hil;side, so I guess they got pushback and added a bunch of trees.
All those years playing Jai alai are finally paying off!
That’s cool. I would have presumed vapor ware, except they’ve already been testing and it’s working. Very cool.
An alternative approach. To survive the G-forces you would need materials stronger than anything known.
Ok, how do we make materials stronger than anything known? They have the advantage that when the satelite falls out of orbit, they can just toss it back again.
Put one on the moon and you can rule the world. If any one complains you just toss a rock at them. Excessive use of the one on earth and the days get longer.
Now I really want to know what is making that one little spot produce so many nocturnal thunderstorms?
Nocturnal as opposed to diurnal or frontal is already interesting .
If you remember Goldfinger, perhaps undertaker winds. Invert island as well.
I have zero interest in stuffed pasta, Italian or other but I love this chart.
It’s okay. We won’t hold it against you. Everyone is entitled to their wrong opinion.
Dibs on @markevans36301 servings!
Cats, woodworking, and 3D printing = this video,
It comes oh-so-close to justifying a 3D printer, since I already have two cats and untold woodworking fails.
I’ve been playing this every day since it came about.
You can have mine, too! Most stuffed pasta has cheese and I can’t do regular cheese. Lol
Just found a new word game, Word Slicer.
I found 5 of 5 words in the Daily Slicer using 0 hints in 5m 29s. #wordSlicer #wordSlicerChampion