One of Three Boxes is Missing

Hello Glowforge.

I received my Glowforge a week ago and have been waiting for the third of three boxes to arrive. I have in my possession the coveted Glowforge unit and the proof-grade materials. I am, however, missing the accessories box with what I assume is the power cord and a bunch other items I desperately need.

The UPS tracking only shows two boxes with that tracking number, which I hadn’t notice until now.

Please advise. Thank you kindly.

Thinking the power cord and a bunch of other stuff was inside the rear white foam block inside the GF. Could be remembering wrong. So you are saying that you are missing the crumb tray and the vent hose?


It has changed a bit over time, but mine only had the crumb tray and the vent hose. Everything else was in the main box even though the set up instructions said otherwise. The vent hose is pretty easy to find at the hardware store, so the critical bit of kit you’re waiting for is the crumb tray.

It and the main box were shipped at the same time from the same place and are labeled 1 of 2 and 2 of 2. The materials are completely separate and ship from Tennessee.

In my case, the Email from Glowforge only gave one tracking number twice for the accessories and the Glowforge itself, but two separate numbers showed up in UPS my choice. From other similar posts, it isn’t uncommon for them to get separated in transit and get delivered on different days. Though I think the other way around is more common (little box first).


Got my Glowforge the day before Thanksgiving, my crumb tray and vent the day after Thanksgiving. I was lucky. Had a PRU so just used that crumbtray for a couple days.


Thank you all. I didn’t think to look inside the Glowforge. I was lead to believe the Glowforge should be treated like the Holy Grail and didn’t even think to look inside where the fragile glass tube resides.

Thank you very much!


I’m glad you resolved it! I’m going to close this thread - if the problem reoccurs, go ahead and post a new topic. Thanks for letting us know about this!