Orange Button Sadness


So it would be an issue with your machine finding its print head then (other option would have been coolant issue but you would have gotten the clicking if that was the issue). Your print head does not look too bad. I would blow out the connectors more though. You could also just try reseating the white ribbon that connects to the main control board.

Your machine is really dusty. It reminds me of mine. I do a ton of marble engraving and so its just dust everywhere in it. I use a air compressor to blow it out after about 10 hours of printing and that has been helpful.


#1 & #2 lenses are focusing lens, helps the laser see where the target is.:
both SHOULD be crystal clearā€¦ currently #1 is almost opaque

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I noticed that yesterday. Thank you. Do those lenses pop out? I appreciate your help.

MDF is dirty, nasty stuff. I tried using compressed air from a can and did nothing. Then I tried the shop vac on reverse and nothing cleared. Been brushing it with a paint brush to knock the loose stuff.

Itā€™s the other side of the lens that clouded up.

We need to consult Our resident expert @MyDogsThinkImCrazy on that one.

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Looks like the small windows are glued on.

lets wait for MyDogsThinkImCrazy to answer, If there is a way, she will know it.

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Just did that and it went orange on me again.

Those lenses are dirty but that will not cause the orange button. Ideally he would be able to try someone elseā€™s print head to see if that is the issue. No reason to waist time on the
Print head if itā€™s the control board or the white cable that is the issue.

That cable certainly could be. Just out of curiosity, try powering it on with your WiFi powered off. You donā€™t get an orange light then, correct?

Problem solved. Waiting for the refurbished one to reach me. Complete pain though. Thank you for your help.



Not sure if Iā€™m missing something, but can you tell me what the exact issue was? DId you have to send it back ?

Glowforge couldnā€™t find the printer head. Pretty sure it was the white cable. I would have replaced it myself if I wasnā€™t under warranty. Refurbished one showed up a few days ago and working great. Support was awesome.


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