Print time increased by 300%

This is absolutely fantastic! I appreciate you posting this to the thread. The detail in the engrave, and the contrast on the material is gorgeous.

It looks like your Glowforge is performing well, so I’m going to move this thread over to Everything Else, just in case you’d like to continue the conversation. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us directly at if you happen to run into any more snags. We’re here to help :slight_smile:

When you’re making a print like this, I’m assuming that you make your engraving and then cut the wood so that the image is right at the edge? Or is the glowforge actually engraving all the way to the left side on this? Thanks

I cant stop staring at this beautiful piece

Holy moly! That is absolutely stunning! Is that maple?

Wow. I never thought to do dramatic like this. Excellent,

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I actually engrave past the edge, and then post sand. I usually run 20 or more of these at once so I have a jig that I position them in, and after the first one it’s pretty perfectly positioned. But I do clean up any over engrave by finish sanding.

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