Pro glasses not included in shipment

I finally received my Pro last week and did not find the safety glasses in either of the boxes. I’m wondering the best way to get them.
On another topic, after reading numerous nightmare posts about the condition of the shipping box when others received their lasers I was pleasantly surprised to find my box in ‘pristine’ condition. I’m not sure if I lucked out with my driver or if the packaging has been vastly improved. Either way, grateful that it arrived in one piece.


By posting here you have opened a ticket,someone from the staff will be along soon.

In the meantime, have you unfolded every little piece of cardboard?

You certainly want what was offered. Still, other than using them as regular safety glasses for non-laser purposes, just hanging on the shelf

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Thanks for the quick reply Mark. I have checked all nooks and crannies. No sign of the glasses

All boxes unfolded, all little nooks and crannies checked. I know they aren’t needed for regular use, and some would say overkill even when using the pass through, I’d like to have them.

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Just an FYI, unless you meant to share your phone number with all of the Internet, you might want to edit it out. :slight_smile:


Did you check inside the foam blocks? (They’re white and they used to have them tucked in there fairly hidden.)

You could always call and tell him. :wink:


I hate using the phone more than I love a good prank!


Thanks Christy. I replied to Mark in the forum email notification not realizing it got posted to the forum automatically.


That’s what I figured!

I’ve sent you an email about this and we’re working on it there, so I’m going to close this topic.

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