Pro Passthrough Release

I had my first passthrough failure within the beta last week. It was not crucial. I was cutting a cardboard template with a rectangle around it and the last step, which was only 2 legs and a horizontal line of the rectangle got skipped by the UI. I could solve it by cutting it by hand. Software thought it was done.

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I use the beta a lot and yesterday and today both of my prints failed halfway through. I do the exact same thing frequently. It stops the print and gives me the option to align manually. However, it shows the artwork out of the cutable area. I make it 19.475 (which is what always use) and when it aligns for the next phase it stretches the lines out and won’t continue and I can’t finish it manually without adjusting it.
Everything is lined up and within the margins before it starts.
Basically the preview for the alignment is way off and stretched out so it goes way beyond the printable area. It is always off visually but it works fine. However the outside lines on the preview knock it way out the printable area.

Since the product is no longer in beta, folks can now post in Product and Support or email support for help. I’m going to close this thread since the team is no longer following it and I don’t want folks to have their help requests lost.