Procedures for Personal Use on a School Glowforge

Hey folks, I am a teacher at a small school that has a Glowforge Pro. I ended up becoming the point person for it (it’s been set up for a week), but I and others would like to be able to use it for personal/side hustle use after hours. Our admin are open to the idea, but need more info. Does anyone have a set of policies/procedures or a user agreement they can send me for something similar? They are specifically worried about wear and tear on the machine and safety/liability.

The person who bought the machine was given an email link to a course on Laser Safety Training and establishing a person who would be responsible for making sure that anyone using the machine was trained in how to use it safely, or providing supervision. Sounds like you have been designated Laser Safety Officer.

I don’t know what the policy is regarding release of that material, I’m fairly certain Glowforge would prefer us to not release it, so sending your email address to them at with a request for the link is probably your best bet.

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Thanks! I sent them an email Friday asking for it so I will hopefully have it next week (the person who bought the machine is out on medical leave).

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