Michaels has 30% off ticket price sale right now
My first thought was “now that’s a helpful post!”
But then I got worried it would’ve assumed I though other people’s posts were not helpful. (Which is not the case)
until when?
My local Michaels doesn’t carry GF materials, and the JoAnn that even has a GF display (that has never been used, nobody knows a thing about it) only has a picked-over limited supply. That’s what I get for living in a backwoods village called Atlanta!
I wonder who’s books it is on and at what amount?
Given it’s taking up so much valuable space going into the holidays you could do them a service and take it off their hands for them.
The store is the size of a typical grocery store, with unused sections, so I don’t think space is an issue.
I even offered to try and get it up and running and nobody had a clue, no account info, no computer in-store to connect to it, no in-store wifi access either.
November 2nd in case anyone else has to seriously zoom to see that date!
thanks, I zoomed and still couldn’t read it!