Retro Camper Start over

I moved parts of the camper and need to get back to the starting place. Whenever I load design it takes me back to where I was. How can I get back to original design?

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  1. Open your design
  2. Go to main menu bar and click on three dots
  3. Design details
  4. Click on reset design on panel on right of screen

Should put design back to original


Thank you!

Keep in mind that those instructions only work for :glowforge: provided designs - if you had to upload it to begin with the only way to return to the beginning is to re-upload or click Ctl-Z to go back before you ever leave the screen.

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I’m glad you resolved it! Thank you everyone for your advice. I’m going to close this thread. If you run into any other trouble, please start a new topic, or email us at We’re here to help!