I would like to engrave names into the microfiber jewelry pouches I purchased from Amazon. I saw a post where someone has done this successfully on their Aura but I can’t seem to find the post. Does anyone have the settings used to do this?
I would like to engrave names into the microfiber jewelry pouches I purchased from Amazon. I saw a post where someone has done this successfully on their Aura but I can’t seem to find the post. Does anyone have the settings used to do this?
I don’t believe I’ve seen a post on microfibre - but there are a lot in here! It’s generally made from plastics - nylon is common, so likely it’ll take a very light touch. Keep in mind that where it engraves is likely to be stiff.
I’d take a single bag and run some tests from 1 power and 100 speed up through 10 power at 100 speed and see what works!
There’s a whole section on testing materials in here:
Thank you so much! I am very new to everything laser so I am learning everyday.
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