Settings to etch Leatherman tool

I bought my daughters Leatherman Squirt PS4 from REI for High School graduation.

Knowing the likelihood of losing these things, I engraved them with their names and phone numbers.

speed 1000
power 100
LPI 675

The results were spectacular. Sorry that I can’t share them.


They’re anodized aluminum?

I’ve got several Leatherman versions/models – all stainless steel…

They look like powdercoat from the photos.

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I think that they’re anodized aluminum, but I can’t honestly say.

Yeah he product page says anodized.

I got one for my daughter before she went to college. She carried it on her keychain.

A couple of weeks into her first semester she texts me that she got serious street cred from a couple of boys in the dorm - they were looking for some tool to unstick something in the dishwasher on the floor and she told them to go ask her roommate for her keychain and use the leatherman. Two of them did the double-take and “you’ve carry a multi-tool around?” :slight_smile:

Not your typical girly-girl :smiley:


Yeah, I’ve carried them for years, since the original. Wave is the current model, and I feel undressed without it.

Google Photos

Used the dry molly lube for the marking.

@bwalker000, marking it is a good idea, they tend to go missing.