Setup help

My husband bought me a Glowforge Aura and air filter. I finally had the chance to set it up today. I went step by step and was ready to print about 10 this morning…unfortunately I’m stuck in calibrating or setup and haven’t been able to try it out. I’ve checked the router, plugged and unplugged, shut down and restarted all to no avail. Anyone have anything to offer?

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Make sure the connections are all seated really well and didn’t work loose during transport!


I don’t know the Aura but my replacement GF pro that I received over a year ago recently started having issues and I went thru it carefully, discovered that one of the critical connectors was not closed (it’s a ribbon cable that is locked in place with a clip.) I had never touched it - I stay away from them at all costs, they are too delicate to mess with.

As it turns out, that didn’t resolve my issue (it was wifi-related) but it wouldn’t hurt to go thru the machine gently and check all those connectors.


Exactly, who knew the new out of the box GF silver ribbon needed to be connected better…I too wouldn’t have touched that on my own. Once I did that I immediately had a image and was able to do my first project. I just lost the majority of the day before I thought I’d call support.
Thanks for your reply!


That was the problem, wouldn’t have known that had the tech support lady not gone over it with me.