Shipping error on shop

I just tried to purchase a pully wheel. When I went to check out, it had a flat rate shipping of $25. I don’t expect it to be shipped in an 8x8x12 box and it fits in a padded envelope. I think you might want to look at the shipping calculation for these. It should be around $6.00.



There has been a flat rate shipping cost of $25.00 for quite some time and it has been widely discussed among users. Glowforge personnel do not monitor the forum, so you will need to write to support directly to lodge your complaint.


Their shipping charges are criminal. Always have been.


For Canadians it’s worse right? At least in the states i used to get around it by ordering other things i needed until i hit the free shipping mark (do they still have free shipping?). But i remember Canadians having like a 100 dollar shipping cost.


I haven’t bought anything in years and don’t plan to unless it’s a part I can’t get anywhere else. The shipping was outrageous. I checked an old post and saw where someone ordered a $15USD lens removal tool and the shipping to Canada was $114USD.


The trick is to stock up on other things you need, the shipping is the same or enough money and it is free. I usually add materials I will need anyway.