So you need a bigger bed?

Actually, to everybody’s surprise, my wife and I switched sides after several years. And it’s stayed that way. But it really didn’t take long for us to get used to the change. I forget now why we thought it was a good idea to switch, but it stuck. :slight_smile:


We switched when we moved. Don’t know why, especially since the bed configuration has changed a few times. And of course when offspring first arrived whoever was asleep got the side with the baby attached…


Right side.
(When standing at the foot of the bed, looking towards the headboard)

In my old place, the bed was in a corner; the head and right side of the bed were up against the wall. I didn’t want my girlfriend to feel trapped between me and the wall.
At her old place, the bed was in the same position. She didn’t want to wake me if she got up to use the bathroom.

We are moving over the weekend. I have no idea if we will maintain the same sides.

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See… I have the vague idea that our switch was baby-related. But my wife thinks that I have some male instinct to be closest to the door in case there’s any danger in the house I can act on it quickly. Which, apparently, over years means getting out of the way when I kid wanders in and says “Daddy I think I’m gonna…” and that’s as far as they get before it’s too late. And I must say, so far it’s Daddy for the win there. From dead sleep to out of the way in 0.3 seconds.


Rock On! Whoops :zipper_mouth:
By the time the noise was loud enough to wake me, she was already out the door. No elbows - nothin’. I owe her. Big Time. X 2.
I think it must be an evolutionary trait, the Mother is attuned to those sounds. At least that’s my excuse.


I think this is a record for the quickest hijacked topic. Of course the title was good bait.

I have a queen sized bed. I call it theological space.


It’s my fault! I take 100% full responsibility for it. I really thought bigger mattress and then it snowballed lol.


I’ve got a Super King Size bed (complete with capital letters) but i sleep so close to the edge that i have fallen out a few times!


To bring it back, with a thin foam pad, you could use the wasteboard as your bed, so you can sleep and mill in the same place!


I’d need a Really Big Lockout Switch before I was willing to mill and sleep in the same place. (Our bedroom has a soffit coming down from the ceiling around the big gluelam beam that holds up the ends of all the roof trusses on that side of the house. Eventually we moved the bed so it wasn’t directly under the beam – I watched those guys working.)


So is that facing the bed or in? Mine depends on which side the kids ( dogs and cats) claimed before I go to bed… (Although in the winter I’ll move them over and take the warmed up side) :slight_smile:

Standing at the foot of the bed. (chuckle!) :smile:

About the third night together we switched for a stiff shoulder to get some relief. Have not changed it up in 13 years- tents, hotels, etc. I wonder if that shoulder would stiffen up again if we tried to switch back.


Facing…? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


For my marriage, the side is semi-fixed. She made it very clear from the beginning that in any bed she will always have the side nearest the bathroom :slight_smile: So it changes in hotels and whatnot pretty often from what we have at home.


The mirror. :grin: