Software stuck

I was performing a pass through. I shifted the material forward. The alignment didn’t look quite right. I couldn’t see the right side of the work area image due to the dialogue box. I saw the option to “hide” the dialogue box and clicked “hide”. From here on I have been unable to resume any previous or new activity. The software is “stuck”. I have turned off the Glowforge and rebooted my computer. None of this has helped. The photo of the deck is the old image. To the left of the computer controller start button is the question: “Continue?” How do I get the software to resume working?

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I hit “print” the dialogue box reappeared and I chose “cancel”. I think I found the solution. Is it safe to “hide” the dialogue box to look at the entire image of the deck?

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were you not able to zoom out? The dialog on the side is only in the way of the bed if you are zoomed into the bed too much.

Also, is this behavior new from your past prints? What you are describing does match up with the standard process I have witnessed.


That is how to do it. The time remaining will still be in the upper right hand corner. If it looks “stuck” the light on the machine was likely waiting to be pushed until you managed to cancel.

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