Some people just want to watch the world burn

Yeah! Thought it was a nice addition.


One I’ve always liked is “Just because it’s a bad idea doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be a good time!”


I left a 3D printed brain (about 2" tall/long from an MRI) in a weird table in the men’s room at work. (For the ladies who might wonder why it’s weird, men’s restrooms usually don’t have furniture, but someone’s idea of office decorating included putting this occasional table in there. It had a door and a little storage area.)

Three years later it was still there. I expect since the office has been vacant for the past two that it’s still there.

Never any mention of a brain being in a table in the men’s restroom. :man_shrugging:


For work, I made these two signs at the beginning of the pandemic for my office and nobody’s taken them down yet.

And last fall, I bought a big bag of googly eyes and I always have a little snack ziplock bag of them in my pocket so I can “googly” things at random when I see opportunities at other peoples’ houses. So much fun.


I made a comment about a piece of art that pretty much every employee has to walk by multiple times a day, and my coworker had no idea what I was talking about…some people just don’t look at their environment!?


For a very long time, my internet hub has been named “NSA Investigations”, so as we were being forced to upgrade the equipment I was trying to upgrade the joke as well.

So first I was thinking of the MOAM or some variation of it but nobody believes in men from Mars anymore (except humans who have been visiting there, or the FNL from the candy company that might be scary not that way) so that went sort of flat.

Then I thought of the reptile people from Vega. But a secret Vegan Conspiracy is not impressing anyone with them even having their own Vegan Restaurants, the fear factor has been neutralized so much, folk would no longer even get the joke.

So it remains NSA Investigations.

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Some of my neighbors have a sense of humor…



That last was my intention without mentioning it would be a van. :grin:


people know. we just have a good sense of humor.

We had to put hand washing signs in the bathrooms to earn points toward the “Well” certification for our space. Here are a couple of samples. Different sign in every bathroom (8).



I cycle naming my networks with historic infamous malware names.


do I need to mask all materials and what do I mask them with?? Where do I buy it from when I know what it is??

Are you referring directly to something in this thread? Not sure what you’re asking about specifically. Have you already made some things with your Glowforge? Not sure where to start with helping you.


I need to make a commemorative sign for our makerspace. That’s brilliant.


Our mom’s was “John Jim Tom dan, darn it get over here now.”

To her deathbed she would have to go thru the list…


This is what you are looking for. Generally, anything that burns could be masked, but the smoke stain can be removed with alcohol or ammonia. When you are cutting through material the back should be masked because the laser reflects off the bed and will mark the back.


Masking is a choice. If, like Proofgrade, the material you’re using is already finished the smoke marks mostly just wipe off. Unfinished material will get a smoke mark that can be cleaned, but also preserved if you like it. It’s not a yes/no question, it’s a decision to be made with each project. There are lots of threads on here talking about individual choices as far as masking goes. Check out #2 here for some links:


That made me laugh. It’s like say this three times fast. Couldn’t do it. :smile:


She eventually had 4 more to add to the list. Now that was funny.


I guess as they thought it was a restroom, someone was just resting their brain. What is unusual about that? Mentioning that a tiny mind was hanging out in the restroom would have been just rude
I found where someone had lost their mind in a restroom, but in that case, it looked more like an expensive cell phone (which they never came back for and was thrown in the trash)


Love this.