Spice Rack Carousel

Sorry I didn’t see it. Thanks

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Great concept and fantastic execution! I have yet to make anything practical/functional but this sets the bar very high. Well done!

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Okay, I’ll be the first to admit that certain things drive me nuts.

I went through a lot of effort to design this spice rack so that it stores the 5-1/4" tall large McCormick bottles. However, i scowl when I place one of the little bottles in a slot. I mean, they’re not even 2" tall - what a waste of space.

Then I came up with the idea of creating a “bunkbed” insert that would fit two of the little bottles in a regular slot. This makes me much happier. Hell, if I get crazy with it I can store 60 (little) bottles in a spice rack meant for 30!



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It is getting better and better.

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Is your file available ?

Go up 13 posts and there are two separately posted links.

Great idea! I tend to have more of the smaller bottles, so this would be much more useful.