Star map

That box is there to ensure that the scaling of the file is correct. There have been numerous issues between illustrator and Inkscape. By measuring the size of the box, you can know for sure if the file is being interpreted correctly. As long as your process is working, you don’t need this piece of diagnostic info.


The video definitely shows off the effect much better than a picture ever could. Now I know what to do with my Christmas booth decoration lights until next year :smile_cat:

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love this! thanks very much!

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I can’t seem to get the box. It’s only recognized as a bitmap (even though it is downloaded as a .jpg), even trying different ways to download. Therefore it will only engrave, and not cut. Love some guidance here! Thanks!

Go to the first post in the thread…

Right click on the drawing and choose “Save Image As” … SVG.

Then download the starmap zip file. It’s in two parts.


Yes follow those instructions. I didn’t know how to fix that.


Thank you


Thank you so much, it worked… and it printed! yeah! I’m very new to this still, and inkscape is a bit confusing so starting with ready files may help me, or at least make me feel more confident. Thanks again!!

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I learned a lot from this guy.


So sorry I’m replying so late. But, thank you for this video! I’m actually taking Nicks class currently, slowly a least. I hate sitting at computers, so this may not have been the best pursuit for me, but here I am. :rofl: He is a great teacher, and this looks to be a very helpful design specific tutorial. thanks again!

Super awesome!

That looks amazing. Good job.