Stuck on focus with non proofgrade material

My gf is stuck on focus unless proofgrade material is in the bed. This is so frustrating because I need to engrave a stamp and gf does not sell proofgrade rubber. I have cleaned my machine, powercycled everything, cleared the cache. The only work around I can find is inserting proofgrade into my machine and tricking the gf into thinking it is cutting pg, otherwise it shows the same screen from last night and just focuses, it also will not let me set thickness or make any changes.

I keep a square of material with the proofgrade mark about just for convenience so the focus is about right at the start. I still use set focus even with regular proofgrade as it will automatically go there anyway in the center of your design and there have been occasions when there was a hole there that caused an error.

If the rubber is not totally flat that will cause a problem anyway. A possibility is to have masking where you set focus even if that was not where you are cutting as the set focus might have trouble with translucence. When engraving I cut a score around the engrave first to remove the masking only there.

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Thank you! Support e-mailed me back after extracting my logs. I unclipped and reclipped the head and it seems to be working now. I will try keeping a proofgrade square for in the future just in case. Thank you for that tip!


As you mentioned above, we’re already working with you via email, so I’m going to close this topic. Thank you!