Successful crafting business in Hawaii

Amanda your work is gorgeous! Have you had any problems with glowforge and humidity? That’s something I’ve always wondered about more humid places with the glowforge laser cutter.

Looks amazing! Love your set up and all the creativity - great job!

Beautiful! that inlay is perfect - the colors are amazing. I have been trying new woods - what’s Koa like?

I lived on Oahu and did have many problems, but my home was always quite open to the elements making it a slight bit more humid than average. The gunk that builds up throughout the machine attracted the humidity, and even though it was a very miniscule amount, it short circuited some of the different components of my machines.

I had my machines for 4 years there, and put many hours on them, and was able to fix any problem I ran into, I also ran a successful business there, which lead to me buying a second one. It turned out to be quite useful as one machine may go down for some reason or another, but never both at the same time.


I truly appreciate you taking the time to let me know about the issues you noticed with the humidity. Your work is amazing and if you ever offer classes I would love to join.

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What’s not to love about this?

Thanks for sharing and Keep Creating.