Teaching with the Glowforge

Hi - I purchased a GF for our public library. Last week I gave my first online class using the GF for 11 teens. We used Inkscape then they emailed their files to me which I uploaded to the dashboard. I shared my screen so they could see what I did on the interface then moved a camera over to the GF and they watched their parts lasered. They loved it!

I see that multiple emails can be added to an account. Does this mean I could allow students to access my account remotely using their email? Can multiple people be on the dashboard at once?

I’m obviously new to this and trying to work out the best experience for students.
Thank you for any advice,


You can have more than one email on an account, but I don’t know all of the rules. I just wanted to say Congrats on your first teaching session. I hope your students and you enjoy working together on the Glowforge. Maybe share some of your results after some practice.


Each email gets their own dashboard - no sharing of files between the dashboards.

They would have to do all the work and you would push the glowy button for them. It’d be a cool teaching session because they could share their screen with you/the class but they’d have to do all the bits instead of watching you do them.


Hi Sandy! I’ve emailed you the instructions on how to add “users” to your account, this is such a great idea, keep up the good work! Victoria


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