The carving station

One upgrade I want to do is the CNC4NEWBIE stepper upgrade to the 296oz NEMA 23s. Mostly because those will have enough torque that when you lock the steppers to do a tool change it won’t move around. With the x-controller (as opposed to the original controller) you can just swap out the motors and go for it.

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I was also trying to do a lot of the same relief carving I am doing now but at best there was a tremendous amount of finish work cleaning up, and cutting the diameter in half squared the time taken, and the folks I was working with were using machines that were capable of larger than 4x8 working surface and were not willing to tie up the machines for the time needed or have so much clean up after anyway.

So the result was that the area they needed me for which was more than simple shapes, which was in the end where the money was. So I was left in the dust.

I’ve made fire when the controller did a full plunge crash so I won’t wonder beyond hearing range but for a few minutes.

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Yeah, when Ive slotted a few hold down clamps you hear that across the house. What a shrieking…