The Forge is here

It finally happen!!!
Just two years after the order date. It’s finally in my possession.

I got it delivered to my office in Hayward since i know my UPS guy here pretty well. And he was warned !!! lol

The box has minor scuff marks but overall i feel pretty confident in the condition.

Now i just want to go home early!!!



Mine was upside down in the truck but otherwise in nice shape. Loved the look on the UPS lady’s face when I mentioned that it was fortunate that it wasn’t leaking anything radioactive or anything. She didn’t look any happier when she asked what was in it and I told her it was a laser :slight_smile:


Ha! At the border pickup place, I gave them a heads up of pretty much the same thing. Except I chose the more benign, “it’s sensitive scientific equipment with glass and coolant, so please be careful,” … and shock of all shocks, they actually followed the labels.


Haha… good one, my UPS guy knew what it was he delivered the crumb tray and vent on Friday while this bigger box had to go to freaking Lathrop, CA over the weekend after leaving the factory. Who knows why?

I’ll report later if something seems bad. Hopefully I’m good since the package didn’t travel many miles to get to me.

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:rofl: Smart move. Most of us don’t enjoy a personal relationship with the UPS driver!

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