Tite Joints

I decided to make the Card box. I used the material it called for, Medium Cherry plywood, and cut out the box pieces. The joints are so tight I have to use a hammer and sometimes some of the veneer on the plywood sheers off when trying to put the joints together. What am I doing wrong? I have printed out several of the catalog items and have not had this problem before. Is there any way to adjust the kerf possibly, or would cutting twice increase the size.
Thank you

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Just scale up the design slightly, you can do that in the UI.

Material is variable and subject to environmental forces - meaning your cherry plywood could have swelled or be a bit thicker than average. I personally prefer joints that require a mallet over ones that need glue because I can use sandpaper on the ones that are too tight. Two passes might increase the kerf just enough, but I would suggest sanding the tabs would be a better solution.


Instead of a hammer, I use wood clamps. You can get all the force you need with speed and distance limited and very controlled. Often it becomes a matter of almost but not quite alignment. By just taking the sharpness off the corners that are trying to slide past each other they will fall into perfect alignment without any sheering of the veneer :slightly_smiling_face:

I am just now putting together a piece in light cherry, that dozens of them have been made in light maple and are very tight, often needing the desharpening the edge trick. By contrast, the piece of light cherry is quite a bit thinner and where the thickness of the wood comes into play it is quite loose, though still tight elsewhere.

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