Trace Feature Problem

Hello! I’ve had a Glowforge Pro for over a year. I decided to try the trace feature today to create a camera mount for a Rasberry Pi at my school. It looks like a bow tie that can be used as handles but has a solid square in the middle (where the knot would be). When I do the trace it hollows out the middle. I need it to be solid as that is where the screw holes will go. I hope this makes sense. Any suggestions as to how I can keep the trace from hollowing out the middle?


Welcome to the forum.

Without seeing your item or the trace, suggestions might be difficult. Have you considered doing a hand trace of the item and then placing that document in the Glowforge to be traced?

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The trace command needs a fairly thick line with no breaks. If you are tracing a solid image, the middle can sometimes be hollow if it’s too reflective. You can try to dull the surface a little (paint with matte black paint?). You can also export the tracing to another program like Inkscape or Gimp and try to manually adjust it there.


That worked! I used a black Sharpie, and the trace came out perfectly. Thank you so much!


One thing about this place, somebody knows something. :slight_smile: