Updated grid for engraving without crumb tray

I have posted to the community the reinsertable grid file and I am glad it has been helpful. I have taken things a little bit up a level. I use 3D printed parts to do this but I decided to challenge myself to do the same thing but with legos. If you have access to a 3D printer then its certainly more nifty and I post my files to the free designs. I will continue with 3D parts but if you don’t have access to a 3D printer then you can still be able to do this with something like legos.

I have been delaying posting this update but am realizing it will never be perfect with explaining everything. I decided to go ahead and post it and truly invite any questions anyone has on the logic of this all. There are so many great members in the glowforge community that can help explain things better then I probably could…also, I cant spell but I can do math. Therefore, ignore any typos or spelling errors. My friends carry around a pack of gold stars in the off occasion I spell something correctly :slight_smile: I proudly wear those stickers even if they are not often.

Grid V2 instructions (1).pdf (4.4 MB)


Thank you so much for sharing this! I know it is going to be very useful for me. I’m going to have to buy some Legos next time I go into town, which will be tomorrow! I never would have thought of using Legos, which I can afford to buy, instead of a 3D printer, which I cannot afford to buy!


This really is brilliant for anyone regularly doing multiples.


Great file and instructions! Thanks!


Thanks so much Bailey :relaxed:


Thank you for sharing. I am tucking this away for when I feel ambitious enough to expand my expertise! I am almost 5 mo’s in (having a GF) and am a little ashamed to say I haven’t mastered jigs/grids/etc. Something in my brain just doesn’t quite wrap around it yet. :crazy_face: But I know when my life calms down a little, I will take the time to learn!


If it makes you feel any better I’m on year 3 and still haven’t used jigs - I don’t do a lot of repeated stuff so it makes sense - but don’t feel you have to use jigs!


I’ve got grandkids, so I’ve DEFINITELY got Legos! Thanks for this!


I was going to buy Legos at Walmart the other day, but the prices were crazy and everything was in a “kit” for special designs. I figured I’ll look online at the Lego website to see if I can just order “pieces” - although I imagine it’ll be cheaper to have one someone with a 3D printer make and send me one.


if you have any resale shops, or good yard saling in your area there are always random Legos.


Oooh, never thought of that! I’ll have to keep my eye out! Thanks!


My wife has been cleaning out our Lego stash - 4 kids’ worth. She’s giving them to neighbors with children. Five big Rubbermaid tubs already and more to go. She runs them through the shower to clean any dust off so they’re sparkling clean for their new home.

When I think how much we spent buying them :scream:


I can send you something :slight_smile: I will message you. As long as you dont care about color, I dont mind printing stuff. 3D printing filament goes bad faster than I use it.


Tons of Legos on EBay


Is the file in the free section? I’m not finding it, but not sure what I’m looking for either. The stl for 3d printing that is.


There are two different options (you can click on a user’s icon and then search for their posts in a particular section)


Pretty sure the 2nd one is the one they use here.


Do a google search. You should get a bunch of knock offs. Do the same thing but at a much reduced price. I gave my daughter a hoqswart school knock off and except for a few rough spots, it looked great.

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Great explanation. Thanks!

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No problem! I hope this helps save waist for others on projects :slight_smile:

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