Using a scanned image- how to control cut vs. engrave

I have been working with scanned drawings using the trace bed image command and wanted to increase my control over which areas are engraved vs. cut. Right now, I can easily control which areas I cut using the mouse to click but can’t seem to control which areas to engrave. I can either get all or nothing. As a result cut lines are engraved and cut, making it take longer to complete each project. Thank you for any advice you have!

The trace is fairly basic - if you want any kind of real control you should be using a drawing program. You can scan (if you have a scanner) or take a picture and use something like Gimp or PaintNet for working with rasters, and Inkscape for working with vectors (all those programs are free)

If you decide to go that route, there are userguides on here in the Glowforge Tips and Tricks section that will get you going :slight_smile:

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Probably time to dive into something like Inkscape. As someone who got into it when I first got my Glowforge, I can promise you it’s not too hard and definitely worth it. Tons of good tutorials out there.

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Thanks for the help everyone!

@markowitze the support page that @dwardio linked gives a great breakdown on how to use the trace feature, and how to choose between cutting and engraving.

If you’re still running into troubles after trying these steps please let us know and we’ll be happy to take a closer look!