Was the wire ribbon always glued down?

I was cleaning my glowforge and i tried to move the wire ribbon but it was glued down, i never really paid attention to it, i dont know id its supposed to be like that, does anyone know?

A picture would help.

There are many ribbon cables in the Glowforge.

Yes, the black cable is sticky on the back to hold to the wall of the machine before it goes into the main connection.

(I only know this because I had to replace mine once.)

The white ribbon is secured on the left side of the machine, but is loose on the right.

I mean this ribbon cable right here

The left third is glued down.

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Yes, it is secured on the left side.

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No but what i mean is right were i took the picture, it is glued down to the metal at the bottom


Don’t mess with it. It is not meant to be removed.

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Does the head have full movement across the entire bed? If so, I wouldn’t worry about it…they might have glued a little too far out (since mine doesn’t extend quite that far) or they might have discovered that more glue is better here. But yes, that ribbon is glued down along at least part of the length, and always has been.

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Thanks community, you’re right again. :slight_smile:

The cable is fixed on the left and loose on the right so that the Printer Head has room to move back and forth.